FAQ - Exporters and Travellers
Can I take food or other items from Solomon Islands through an airport to another country?
Each country has specific requirements as to items that are allowed to be imported. Biosecurity Solomon Islands does not keep a record of other countries’ requirements. For further information you should contact the relevant country’s consulate or embassy in your nearest capital city, some common websites are listed here.
How do I Export Live Animals from Solomon Islands?
All countries have specific import conditions for live animals, including pets, farm animals or live wild animals. Commonly countries require importers to first obtain an import permit from the appropriate authorities in the importing country and this usually asks for an animal health certificate issued by the exporting country.
In Solomon Islands animal health certificates are issued by the Chief Veterinary Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and are only issued if the animal meets all the health requirements of the importing country.
Before finalising any arrangements for the export of a live animal exporters are recommended to contact the importing country for their conditions and then approach the Solomon Islands Chief Veterinary Officer to clarify if these conditions can be met in Solomon Islands.
Exports of some live wild animal species will additionally require certification with regards to CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Exporters are recommended to approach the Environment and Conservation Division of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, for clarification of the conditions for export.
Airlines also have specific conditions for the transport of live animals and exporters are recommended to involve the airline at a very early stage of their planning.
How do I Export Animal or Plant Specimens from Solomon Islands?
To protect Solomon Islands biodiversity and environment the international movement of some animal, plant and coral species is governed by CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Solomon Islands is a signatory to CITES and enforces its conditions rigorously. Exporters wishing to export animal specimens such as birds, lizards, butterflies and other insects or plants such as orchids and rare trees and herb species are recommended to approach the Environment and Conservation Division of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology, for a list of species that are included for Solomon Islands.
Some countries also require a phytosanitary certificate for biological specimens certifying that they are free of live pests and diseases. Phytosanitary certificate are issued by Biosecurity Solomon Islands if the specimen is found to meet the import conditions following inspection and/or treatment.