A3 - Cattle semen from Australia
Schedule No A3 Attachment No _____ for Permit No_____
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Commodity: Cattle Semen
Country of Origin: Australia
1. Documentation Required:
(A) Consignment Information
Import Permit Number: …………………………………………………..
Exporting Country: Australia
Competent Authority: Australian Department of Agriculture (DoA)
Information concerning the donor animals and semen:
Animal Identification
Date of Birth
Date donor entered centre
Animal Identification
Date(s) of collection
Straw identification
Number of straws
Total number of straws in consignment:
Origin of Semen
Name, address and approval/registration number of semen collection centre:
Name and address of exporter:
Destination of Semen
Name and address of importer in Solomon Islands:
(B) Health Information
I, ……………………………………………….(Print name), an official veterinarian of the Australian DoA certify, after due enquiry, in regard to the semen and donor animals identified in this certificate, that:
1 Country freedom
1.1 Australia is free from brucellosis (Brucella abortus), bovine spongiform encephalopathy, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, foot and mouth disease, lumpy skin disease, rinderpest, rabies and vesicular stomatitis.
Vaccination against these diseases is not carried out in Australia unless required by an exporting country.
1.2 Australia is officially free from bovine tuberculosis.
2 Semen collection centre
2.1 The semen collection centre at which the semen was collected:
1.1.1 Is approved by the Australian DoA
2.1.2 Is under the direct supervision and control of a centre veterinarian who is approved by the Australian DoA
2.1.3 Is inspected by an official veterinarian at least annually.
2.2 The semen collection centre has been free from the following diseases/organisms based upon testing and surveillance for the 12 months prior to the first collection of semen for this consignment; bovine viral diarrhoea virus, Campylobacteriosis fetus venerealis and Trichomonas foetus.
2.3 The semen collection centre is free from IBR/IPV or, if not considered free, (if the serological status of the bull is unknown or if the bull is serologically positive) the semen was tested as described under 4.5.
3 Health status of donor bull
3.1. The donor bull has lived continuously in Australia for at least the past 90 days, and has resided in the herd of origin for at least 30 days prior to entering the semen collection centre.
3.2. The herd of origin and the semen collection centre were free of any quarantine restrictions for at least 90 days prior to collection of the first semen sample and until completion for this consignment.
3.3. The donor bull was resident in the semen collection centre, under veterinary supervision, for at least 30 days prior to first collection of semen.
3.4. During the pre-collection period the donor bull did not perform natural service and was isolated from animals not of an equivalent health status
3.5. During the collection period the donor bull showed no clinical signs of Johne’s disease or other diseases known to be transmitted by artificial insemination.
4 Testing of donor bulls
4.1 For Bluetongue (BT) and epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (EHD)
(Delete the procedures not used)
For bluetongue: the donors:
· were kept in a licensed semen centre located in a region certified free from bluetongue for a minimum of 60 consecutive days before commencement of, and during, collection of the semen.
· were tested negative for bluetongue using a BT competition ELISA or the BT AGID test every 60 days during the semen collection period, and between 28 and 60 days after the last collection for this consignment;
Date of test: …………………………………
· were tested negative for bluetongue by a virus isolation test or PCR test on blood samples collected at the start and conclusion of, and at least every 7 days (virus isolation test) or at least every 28 days (PCR test) during semen collection for this consignment
Date of test: …………………………………
· Each batch of donor semen to be exported was tested negative for bluetongue using a virus isolation test.
Date of test: …………………………………
For epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD), the donors:
· were subjected to serological tests to detect antibodies to EHD, such as the competition ELISA or the agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID), between 28 and 60 days after the last collection for this consignment with negative results;
Date of test: …………………………………
· were subjected to tests for EHD, such as a virus isolation test or a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on blood samples collected at commencement and conclusion of, and at least every 7 days (virus isolation test) or at least every 28 days (PCR test) during semen collection for this consignment, with negative results.
Date of test: …………………………………
· Each batch of semen to be exported was tested negative using a virus isolation test.
Date of test: …………………………………
4.2 For Q fever: Between 10 and 60 days after the final collection of semen for export to the donor animals were tested with negative results for Q fever using the complement fixation test (CFT) (negative being no fixation of complement at a dilution of 1:10 or higher) or the ELISA
Test used: …………………………………
Date of sample collection:
4.3 On the semen collection centre the donor bull was tested, with negative results, for the following diseases within the 12-month period prior to semen collection:
4.3.1 Campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis using culture examination of preputial washings
Date of test: …………………………………
4.3.2 Trichomonas fetus using direct microscopic examination and culture examination of preputial washings
Date of test: …………………………………
4.4 Prior to entering the semen collection centre the donor bull was tested, with negative results, for Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus using either an antigen ELISA on peripheral blood leucocytes, or PCR, or virus isolation.
Date of test: …………………………………
4.5 If the semen collection centre is not free of IBR the donor bulls or their semen was tested as follows:
Not less than 21 days after entry to the semen collection centre the donor bull was found to be serologically negative for Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBR/IPV) using:
Either: 4.5.1 An ELISA or SNT test
Date of test: …………………………..
Or: 4.5.2 Semen from the donor bulls collected for this consignment has tested negative for IBR/IPV on viral isolation or with a PCR
Date of test: …………………………..
(Delete test not used)
4.6 All laboratory testing was undertaken in an AQIS approved laboratory.
5 Semen collection and storage
5.1 The semen was collected, processed, packaged and stored in accordance with the recommendations of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code.
5.2 The period of semen collection for this consignment was 60 days or less
5.3 The antibiotics added to the diluent were:
Names and concentration:............................................................................................
5.4 The shipping container is:
Either: 5.3.1 new
Or: 5.3.2 cleaned and disinfected with: …………………………………………………
(Delete as appropriate)
5.5 Prior to export, the transportation flasks were sealed under veterinary supervision, using seals bearing the marks:
Signature:………………………………………. Date:………………………..
Name:………………………………………. Official Stamp:
Addresss: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
NOTE: All pages are to be initialled and endorsed with the Official Stamp.
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