A7 - Pigs from Australia
Schedule No A7 Attachment No _____ for Permit No _____
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Commodity: Pigs
Country of Origin: Australia
Documentation Required:
Exporting Country: Australia
Ministry/Department: ………..…………………………………………………..
Region: ……………………………………………………………………
Description and Brands
Name and address of exporter: …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Place of origin: ………………………………………………………………………………………….…
Port of embarkation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Country of destination: Solomon Islands
Name and address of consignee: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Means of transport/Vessel number: ………………………………………………………………………………….
Port of arrival: …………………………………………………..
Health Certification
I, ……………………………………………………………………………………...…. (Print Name) a Veterinary Officer of the Government of Australia hereby certify that:
During the twelve months immediately preceding the date of export of the animals Australia has been free from:
· foot and mouth disease
· swine vesicular disease
· vesicular stomatitis
· vesicular exanthema
· African swine fever
· Swine influenza
· Classical swine fever (hog cholera)
· Teschen disease
· Aujeszky's disease
· Rabies
· Transmissible gastroenteritis
· Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS)
After due enquiry I am satisfied that the following diseases have not been diagnosed during the previous twelve months on the farm of origin or on any premises where the animals have been during the previous twelve months:
· Echinococcus granulosus infection (hydatidosis)
· Leptospirosis
· Tuberculosis
· Clinical atrophic rhinitis
· Clinical Brucella suis infection
· Talfan disease
· Clinical intestinal salmonellosis
· Porcine parvovirus infection
· Swine dysentery
· Erysipelas
· Clinical Eperythrozooan suis infection
· Clinical haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus infection
· Trichinosis
The animals were born and raised in Australia
During the thirty days prior to export, each animal was isolated from all animals not of the same export consignment and was subjected to the following test:
A complement fixation test using Brucella abortus antigen with a negative result of a titre of less than 20 IU;
During this pre-embarkation quarantine period was subject to the following treatments:
Treated by intramuscular injection with streptomycin at a dose rate of 25mg per kg and penicillin at a dose rate of not less than 7.5mg per kg on three consecutive days, the first injection being given within 48 hours of entering pre-embarkation quarantine;
At the time of entry into, and again immediately prior to departure from the pre-embarkation quarantine premises, treated with an external parasiticide which is effective against lice, mage mites and ticks.
At the time of entry into, and again immediately prior to departure from the pre-embarkation quarantine premises, treated for internal parasites.
Each animal has been vaccinated against porcine parvovirus and erysipelas.
Each animal was inspected in daylight within 24 hours of export and was found to be free from evidence of infectious or contagious disease and external parasites and was fit to travel.
The animals, on leaving the pre-embarkation quarantine premises, were loaded onto vehicles which had been suitably cleansed and disinfected to my satisfaction. The animals were moved by the most direct and suitable route and were not at any time in contact with any animal not of tested equivalent health status.
The enclosures or crates in which the animals are restrained during shipment have been suitably cleansed and disinfected to my satisfaction; or, if of wooden construction, are new and unused. All accompanying bedding material originates from, and has remained at all times, in a zone of Australia officially free from Boophilus microplus or has been subject to fumigation.
The facilities for the transport of the animals comply in all other respects with the Recommendations for Transport of the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Live Animal Regulations as appropriate.
Signature: …………………………………………..………………. Date: ………………………………………
(Full time veterinarian of the Government of Australia)
Position: …………………………………………………
Address: ………………………………………………..………………………………………………..………………………………
NOTE: Official stamp should be applied to all pages.
Post-Entry Quarantine Requirements
(a) Approval of Facilities
see General requirements
(b) Inspection
Following inspection on arrival by a Veterinary Officer, the animals are to be taken directly to the isolation facility in a clean and enclosed vehicle approved by the Veterinary Officer.
A second inspection will be carried out after the animals have been in isolation at the approved post entry quarantine area no less than four (4) weeks after entry. At the discretion of the Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), the period of compulsory isolation and quarantine may be extended pending satisfactory examination of the imported animal/s.
Additional tests may be carried out, at the Importer’s expense, if deemed necessary by the official veterinarian
If, in the opinion of the CVO, it is necessary to destroy and /or dispose any or all of the animals, this will be done in the manner designated and at the full cost to the importer.
(c) Quarantine Restrictions
The imported animals will remain under quarantine restrictions until they have passed the second or subsequent inspections to the satisfaction of the CVO.
During the quarantine restriction/isolation period, the animal/s is/are not to be moved or mixed with any other livestock unless permission has been granted by a Government Veterinary Officer.
Following conditional release from quarantine, the animals will be permitted to join other herds, but will remain under surveillance by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock.
The owner is obliged to notify the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock if any imported animal once released becomes sick or dies, or is sold or slaughtered.
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