BSI and Aussie counterparts dialogues Trade & Market Access Communication key issues
Biosecurity Solomon Islands team during the virtual meeting at the ICTSU conference room, Honiara.
A virtual meeting on Regional Trade and Market Access Communication Strategy was held between Biosecurity Solomon Islands (BSI) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) and the Australia counterparts (Biosecurity) on 15th March 2021.
The meeting is aimed at identifying key issues that BSI and the Australian Government could collaborate to guarantee improved communication as Biosecurity is concerned.
“It was a successful and fruitful session that we have with our Australia counterparts,” BSI Director Francis Tsatsia who led the BSI team said.
Key issues identified and discussed include;
- Trade and Market access communication issues,
- Ways communications can be improved,
- Key communication messages and channels and
- Stakeholders engagement
Mr. Tsatsia said the meeting also provided an opportunity where they are able to discussed areas of improvement and what both countries (SI and Australia) setting to achieve in the future concerning Regional Trade and Market Access Communication Strategy.
The virtual meeting between Biosecurity Solomon Islands and Australia counterparts.
The Director also used the opportunity and highlighted challenges that his office (BSI) has encountered with regards to communication, pointing out the geographical spread of Solomon Islands and language diversity as the main challenges.
However, Mr. Francis said that, despite the challenges, his office (BSI) is considering alternatives and looking at ways to improve its communication strategy, to guarantee citizens are informed on the work of Biosecurity (BSI).
Biosecurity Solomon Islands Director Francis Tsatsia close to camera with his officers during the virtual meeting at the ICTSU conference room.
Source: MAL Media